Queue-clearing system and waiting management
CodaQ is an advanced and tested waiting management system exploiting all the advantages of the most modern cloud technologies to manage queues in public offices or other public spaces and offering services to users.
CodaQ can be applied when it comes to:
- Public health
- Private healthcare
- Vaccine centers
- Multi utilities
- Public administration
- Pharmacies
- Retail
- Large scale distribution
- Other public spaces where waiting queues are generated

CodaQ offers undeniable benefits:
- It is a complete solution for several situations (multisite, multisport, and multiservice) with reduced management and installation costs.
- It monitors customers flow and provides with valuable service quality indicators.
- It improves customer service and supplies with CRM systems to assess customer satisfaction.
- It can be integrated with other existing management systems: in addition to driving ticket progress, CodaQ can synchronize some operations (e.g., printing pickup labels) with user entry.

If switched on, this functionality allows users to choose whether to queue (taking a ticket) or book an appointment via their smartphone or via a call centre.

The system allows the user to queue for multiple services, ensuring non-simultaneity of calls; it’s then possible, using the same ticket, to queue for, counter and cosmetics; the service can also be set up so that to have the users follow a path between counters, such as customer acceptance and blood taking.

This system constantly monitors the desired delivery parameters (e.g., waiting time, number of users in the queue, number of drop outs, etc.) and allows email or SMS notifications when set thresholds are exceeded; the site manager can be then notified on time of a particular critical issue.

Thanks to the integration with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants, it’s possible to vocally drive the progress of the queue: “next in line.”

Once activated and when issuing the tickets, this option estimates the expected waiting time based on historical data and the number of users waiting; when a pre-set threshold value is reached, the totem suggests the user to be called back (in this case it will ask for the phone number) or to issue the ticket.

It is possible to monitor the performance of the main KPIs online(waiting time, users in queue, number of dropouts, counters open) and receive statistical data referring to the time periods of interest with the wanted details (year, month, week, day, time of day, etc.) for the level of grouping (organization, site, service, counter) chosen.

It is possible to depict on the app, or on special monitors, the expected waiting time for various services, also displaying the least crowded times; this way users can decide whether to take the ticket or return at less crowded times.

During ticket distribution, the ticket dispenser associates the card code (by QRcode, NFC, barcode reading) with the issued ticket; when the user accesses the service, it’s possible to preload the associated profile so that priority access can be made.

Gaia is the artificial intelligence-based virtual medical assistant guiding patients into booking or changing a visit, autonomously and avoiding long waits.
Gaia answers the phone or WhatsApp even when your operators are busy, at night and on weekends.
It helps the human operator during peak call times, when busy with patients or during off hours.